Time for A Better Person
Monday, September 8, 2008 @ 3:02 AM
And so it seems, my life starts to dread back into the lifeless mode that it has gotten used you through this year.The dance finals for my lovely young talents have ended with a blast although they did not win any major prizes in this major battle.
Why major? Because they were the kidz who gave their all to give the older dancers an edge in the competition.
Who would expect 10 to 15 year olds to have made it to a competitive dance finals and during that eventful night, they have made a name for themselves.
The Credit all goes to them for their hardwork and tenacity and it just justify my belief that sometimes we adults can learn a lot from kidz.
They've definitely impressed and what wonderful future they already own in the field of hiphop dance.
I lay back and heave a big sigh.
For the moment, my brain rise to a pause. All the effort that I have put in were indeed valuable. It is not just another episode of dance competitions.
Me too learn way many things through my journey to produce what we all know now, The Fantastic Kidz.
Enough said, I want to write something else now. I want to write about myself.
And So as i last said, my brain rise to a pause. And indeed wonderful pause. I finally am able to capture back those moments where self reflection
is always a great thing to do.
In a few days time, it will be my birthday. A favourite day by others but a meaningful day to me. It marks for me a new episode that I am goin to embark into.
A life episode that I know will be much different than I expect. It's pretty exciting really and it makes me feel more and more that life is indeed very beautiful.
It's time that I do something for myself and create myself all over again, i thought. I wanna look through all of myself and recreate the being that I am suppose to.
With so many things I've learned through life and the many mistakes that I have made, I shall pick out the great qualities that I have possessed and glue all together
to make the person whom I will be satisfied with. Ultimately, it is that sense of satisfaction followed by the happiness that I hold with such conviction, making my life
ever so worthlife to live in.
Many things to be done i thought and my big obstacle will be procrastination and self-assurance. It is already hard standing alone in this world with a mind too great too handle.
I know what I'm made of better than many do but it is those few things that I always missed out that some others will know i need to improve on.
I always bow to their sincerity to help me be a better person. I want to be the better person. The person who will in whatever circumstance achieve his success.
So this is the time, I guess. The moment where i can delve and make time to improve and enjoy my life. I want to bring out to those who think they know me but actually do not, who i actually am.
I always put up a facade. a facade of an impeccable body who seem fine and alright. I wanna do all that I can. I wanna live my life to the fullest.
No fuller than whatever God have ready for me. I am thankful for Allah have always been my bestfriend.
Though I always disregard and go against his instructions, I know that Allah knows when my time will be. He have built this path just for me and indeed it'll be greater than ever.
As there is this time for me, I shall prepare for more that is to come. Recreate my life, my plans and myself. I wanna be happy, happy and happy.
I really wanna be a better person, don't you?